Monday, October 17, 2011

He Always Knows Just What to Say..

The following conversation is from last night & this morning via fb message with me & Matt..

Me: Have you started saving for when I come over there?!? I'm asking bc while I have been saving, I feel like I'm getting no where.. I have about $500 in savings but that's all from the checks I got back from school.. I have yet to put any money from my paychecks into savings.. I havent even gotten paid yet & already my check I'll get Saturday is already gone.. I have to make my car payment & pay rent.. I was supposed to move hom this weekend over fall break but with being sick & working, it hasn't happened.. It's already the middle of the month so I need to pay them rent & since I'm gonna be paying rent, I might as well stay here the rest of the month.. It's just stressing me out & I'm feeling really discouraged.. :/:/

Matt: i have saved a little bit.. i'm trying to pay off my credit card and save at the same time and its a lil hard..

Me: Yea I know..with each paycheck, by the time I pay what bills I have & put gas in my car & get only the necessary things I need, I have very little to live off of for a week or two & I have nothing to put into savings.. Its really frustrating! But hopefully in the spring, I should be getting a check or two back from MSU which will really help out & once I move back home, I'll be able to start saving more! Hopefully it all works out money wise..I don't wanna have to wait any longer to see you..

Matt: i know it sucks.. i'm makin like 800+ every two weeks and its still hard to save

Me: That's way more than I'm making..I'm only making like 300 every two weeks.. Right now, I really feel like I'm never gonna see you :(:( I'm picking up extra shifts when I can but I'm already working like 5-6 shifts a week & I'm trying so hard to keep up in school..its all just really starting to stress me out :(:(

Matt: just keep calm its gonna be alright.. honestly it would probly just be cheaper for me to come home and see you for now and you come to me in a year or two when we have more money

There's more to the conversation but this is just the little bit I wanted to share.. I tend to stress a little too much & right now, I'm crazy stressed! I'm stressed with school, moving back home, bills, saving to go see him, & I'm sure there's more..but with just a few simple words, he made me feel so much better! I was crying when I was writing those message to him this morning & i had just stopped crying when he said 'just keep calm its gonna be alright' but when I read those words, I started crying again..only this time, they were tears of relief!!! He always knows just what to say, right when I need it the most, even though he's halfway across the world! Pretty much, its decided that he's going to come home in the spring, probably April or May, meaning I get to see him in 6-7 months, rather than 7-9 months!!!!!!!!!! & I don't feel financially stressed! We're both going to keep saving & I'm going to go to Japan sometime when we both have more money..hopefully next summer! I really feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders this morning, all thanks to my favorite redhead! I love that boy so much :)

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